Eastern Bamboo Massage uses oil and different size and shape of bamboo sticks to massage stiff muscles deeply and efficiently. The rolling movements aid circulation and help remove toxins from within the superficial tissues of the body. Using tools for a massage can take considerable pressure off the therapist’s joints. They act as an extension of the therapist’s fingers, thumbs, palms, wrists and forearms, while the therapist’s joints remain safe from overuse and injury, and also allow to work on deeper layers of the body.
It is an ideal treatment for example for women who have concerns of heavy, tired legs or tight muscles, or for men who have an active sporty lifestyle, offering a deep intense massage, alleviating muscle tension all over the body. Due to its effectiveness in aiding the lymphatic system, it can be great as part of a detox and weight loss program. Since the bamboo sticks can reach deeper muscle and connective tissue layers, it is an ideal treatment to be linked with a sports or deep tissue massage.
It has countless benefits: helps to stimulate blood circulation, improves the muscular and nervous functions, as well as the function of the lymphatic system, deeply nourishes the skin, softens tense muscles, relieves neck and shoulder pain, helps in aiding elimination of water retention, allows pain-free deep tissue work. It can also help to combat cellulite and reshape the silhouette of the body.
Using heated bamboo sticks gives the therapist the ability to penetrate the muscles more deeply, making the massage even more effective and relaxing.
Cupping Therapy 60 min / 90 min (Ta’Xbiex Only)
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine, where the therapist places special cups on specific areas of the skin for a few minutes to create suction. The vacuum suction of the devices helps alleviating pain, relieves inflammation, aids relaxation and well-being, and also acts as a deep tissue massage.
Since their first usage in the ancient times, the cups’ material has changed, but cups made of different materials are still in use, such as glass, bamboo, silicone, plastic.
Cupping can be employed as a standalone therapy or as part of a regular massage session. There are many different schools and methods to use cups. For example cups can be used for dry or wet cupping or there exist static and dynamic cup-work as well. Its benefits vary according to its usage.
Cupping therapy has countless benefits besides alleviating muscle or joint pain, helping with swelling or aiding the work of the lymphatic system. It can also help with migraines, blood pressure issues, as well as anxiety and depression.
Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage 25 min / 45 min
A Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage can be ideal for those who sit or travel/drive a lot. A quick relief from neck and back stiffness. Can be an in-between treatment for those who have regular full body massage sessions, but it can also serve as a partial body treatment for those on the go. It is a highly customizable treatment, that focuses on the upper and lower back, shoulders and neck. It can be well paired with a facial, a reflexology session or any other treatment.
Relaxing Aroma Massage 60 min / 90 min
A Relaxing Aromatherapy Massage can help you to unwind and relax your whole body after a long day. Aromatherapy essential oils have an added benefit to those of massage therapy. The most popular aromatherapy oils include lavender, orange, bergamot, eucalyptus and others, all with different effects to the mind, mood and body. The “aromas” are all plant-based derivatives from herbs, tree extracts, and flowers. The overall purpose of aromatherapy is meant to improve your physical and mental well-being.
Aromatherapy massage is used for a variety of different reasons, including relaxation, pain management, and improved mood. It can also help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, nausea.